2nd European Conference of Science Journalists Budapest, 3 November 2015: final programme

Venue of Conference European Science Journalists (c) wikimedia.commons, Ivanhoe
Venue of Conference European Science Journalists (c) wikimedia.commons, Ivanhoe

European Conference of Science Journalists
Budapest, 3 November 2015
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1051 Budapest, Széchenyi István sqr. 9, Large Hall, 2nd floor


08.30 Registration and coffee

09.00 Welcome

István Palugyai, President of ECSJ2015 and Honorary President of the Club of Hungarian Science Journalists
Satu Lipponen, President of The European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations (EUSJA)
László Lovász, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Alexander W. A. Kellner, National Museum and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, invited speaker in the session “Science engagment: communicating with society” of the World Science Forum

09.30 Science journalism in society
There is an increasing focus on the importance of public understanding of science, engagement and dialogue. At the same time, the media is becoming more dependent of science stories written or influenced by stakeholders. This stakeholder driven communication has severe impact on the quality, ethics and credibility of the science stories in the public space. How can science journalists get back into the picture?
Chair Satu Lipponen (SF)
Keynote speaker Curtis Brainard (US)
Invited Commenter Tom Kennedy (Ireland)
Speakers Connie St. Louis (UK)
Wolfgang Goede (D)

10.40 Coffee break

11.00 Communication of infectious diseases
How are science journalists dealing with Ebola in Africa? What preparation does WHO have for communicating on the next global pandemic disease? We will hear from stakeholders and discuss how science journalists can play a role when everybody is asking for answers.
Chair Viola Egikova (RU)
Speakers Oliver Lehmann (A)
Csaba Molnár (H)
Seema Kumar (UK)
Morning sessions’ rapporteur: Daniela Ovadia (I)

12.00 Launching a new EUSJA network
Official launching of Nucleus network and its aims (Satu Lipponen)
A science journalism roadmap in Europe – short presentations
Priit Ennet (EE)
Berit Viuf (DK)

12.30 Lunch and refreshments

14.00 Journalists as entrepreneurs
Many prominent science journalists are facing tough time as news media are cutting down on the journalistic coverage of science. We present models on how journalists can change the market and sell their stories on new platforms and media.
Chair Jens Degett (DK)
Keynote speaker Tim Radford (UK)
Invited commenter Patrice Goldberg (B)
Speakers Alex Gerber (D)
Dominique Leglu (F)

15.10 Coffee break

15.30 Science journalists in the climate debate
The real magnitude and severity of the global environmental challenges may be deliberately
manipulated by stakeholders with vested interests, due to ignorance or lack of knowledge or
simply because it conflicts with personal or political ideals. However, more common may be the fact that it is difficult to convince the editor and the audience that it is worth spending time understanding the complex story, which deals with the unpleasant information that nobody wants to hear. There is a need to discuss between professional stakeholders, how to improve the debate.
We discuss the obstacles in the climate debate with stakeholders.

Chair: Istvan Palugyai (H)
Hans von Storch (D)
Martin Schneider (D)
Mico Tatalovic (HR)
Csaba Molnár (H)

Afternoon session’s rapporteur: Dino Trescher (D)

16.30 Report of Rapporteurs
Chair: Reetta Kettunen (SF)
1. Daniel Ovadia (I)
2. Dino Trescher (D)

17.00 End of the conference
Closing Words: János Dürr (President of Hungarian Club of Science Journalists)



