A Fresh start for EUSJA after pandemics

EUSJA GA meeting was held in Milan 26.1.2023. EUSJA delegates from different countries around the Europe were able to meet each other again face to face for the first time after the corona pandemics. During the meeting a new board for EUSJA was formed: Mari Heikkilä, President, Jens Degett, Vice-President, Alberto Pieri, Treasurer, Dino Trescher, Honorary Secretary.

“I feel that after all the difficulties and years or pandemics, EUSJA can now make a fresh start. In Milan I noticed how important it is for science journalists from different countries to meet and keep in touch with each other. We had a really nice and fruitful meeting. Special thanks to UGIS and FAST members for organizing the meeting! We had a splendid time together in Italy and a very interesting and diverse scientific program”, says Mari Heikkilä, the new president of EUSJA.

“It is important for science journalists from different countries to meet and keep in touch with each other.”

Mari Heikkilä

EUSJA, which has over 50 years united European science journalists from more than 20 countries, is an excellent platform for joint meetings and discussions. As it is said in the EUSJA Constitution: The objectives are (short version): 1) to improve communication between the scientific community and society, 2) promote contact among the member associations and journalists engaged in reporting science, 3) supporting science journalism associations in different countries and help to build capacity of science journalism in Europe, 4) to promote discussion of what good science journalism and communication is.

“Especially in these difficult times, when there is a war going on in Europe and there is a lot of misinformation and fake news, it is important for us to be connected”, Heikkilä says.

EUSJA will continue to organize study trips and grants for different science events. The national member organizations are also called to take part in organizing activities – and to give new ideas how to develop the activities of EUSJA.

“There is no substitute for face-to-face meetings. Together we are stronger. Often it is also possible to find new solutions to difficult issues together, for example how to fight against fake news.”



