Category: News
European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) 26.-29.9.2023
Jointly organised with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, and in collaboration with the European Commission and, for the first time this year, the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, our 26th edition features three thematic tracks. The first, “Building shock-proof systems” will discuss how to shape healthcare…
EUSJA GA and visit to Milano, Italy, 25.-28.1.2023
26.1. 2023 EUSJA General Assembly -meeting was implemented as in the EUSJA constitution article 4: Assembly (updated version 24.3.2018). In the beginning of the meeting president Jens Degett welcomed the delegates from different countries, some of them were attending via online video call. Degett gave a president’s report about the activities of EUSJA, told about former EU-projects, past…
Heidelberg Laureate Forum 24.-29.9.2023
The Heidelberg Laureate Forum is an annual networking conference where 200 carefully selected young researchers in mathematics and computer science have the unique chance to meet distinguished scientists in their fields for one week of interdisciplinary academic dialogue. Attending journalists will have the exclusive opportunity to interview renowned laureates from mathematics and computer science, both…
A Fresh start for EUSJA after pandemics
EUSJA GA meeting was held in Milan 26.1.2023. EUSJA delegates from different countries around the Europe were able to meet each other again face to face for the first time after the corona pandemics. During the meeting a new board for EUSJA was formed: Mari Heikkilä, President, Jens Degett, Vice-President, Alberto Pieri, Treasurer, Dino Trescher,…
The time has stopped on the Moscow´s Golden Brains
(by Marina Hofmanova) The iconic tower clock hands on the building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow has stopped shortly after the invasion of Ukraine began. It was because the watchmakers from Vyškov, Czech Republic, who remotely operates the clock, thus told themselves that they did not agree with the…