Category: Study trips

  • Falling Walls and Berlin Science Week 2019

    EUSJA has got 5 slots for its members to visit Berlin from 6 to 10 November. Science journalists who are member of an EUSJA science journalists association are invited to attend events of the fourth Berlin Science Week (1 – 10 November) and the programme of the Falling Walls Conference (Falling Walls Lab, Venture, Engage, Welcome Reception on 8 November and Conference on 9…

  • Health literacy and personalised medicine: New technologies, new questions, new skills

    Cristina Junyent, science writer, member of ACCC October 2018  (Picture credits. © Floris Oudshoorn – ComicHouse / EHFG) Four tracks were debated this year in the European Health Forum Gastein (#EHFG2018): Innovation for All, Sustainable Systems, Evidence for Action and No one left behind. One of the transversal issues was health literacy, considered as a…


    By Agnes Kittel Many of us have learnt that Hamburg is a Hanseatic City, we know that it is the second-largest city of Germany and Europe’s second-largest port, and lots of us may know why its airport was named after Helmut Schmidt, the German chancellor between 1974 – 1982, but who have heard about the Deutsches…

  • Meet Berlin Science Week

    By Viola Egikova EUSJA has confirmed for its members study trip to Berlin Science Week with the participation of the Falling Walls Conference. We are offering a fellowship for 10 journalists to visit Berlin from 6 to 10 November 2018. Science journalists are invited to attend events of the third Berlin Science Week and the…

  • EUSJA study trip to XFEL and DEZY Hamburg

    Study trip to Hamburg June 2018 EUSJA has 15 slots for the study trip to Hamburg to visit European XFEL and DEZY from 19 to 21 June. The organizers will cover 2 night accommodation, meal and local transportation. Journalists have to take care of their traveling to and from Hamburg. 19 June is arrival day,…