EUSJA scholarship to attend WCSJ 2013 Helsinki

Dear Friends,  The Board of EUSJA has found it possible to offer two scholarships, each of 700 euro to enable two members to attend the WFSJ Conference in Helsinki  – June 24 – 28.
This amount will cover the conference fee (we have a slightly reduced rate) and travel, maybe even something towards accommodation.
I know it is very short notice but I would appreciate if you could contact your members and send to me the name of anybody whom you think is suitable, wants to attend and will attend if awarded the money.  You should also say, in just a few words, why your candidate deserves a scholarship.
In an effort to be fair we would be reluctant to give a grant to anybody from Russia, Croatia and the Czech Republic as some members from these associations are in receipt of grants from the World Federation.
If we receive only one application we shall award 1400 euro.  The successful candidate, candidates, would be expected to attend all EUSJA sessions, assist in publicising our organisation by serving on our stand and writing a report for our web page and EUSJA News.
Now the good news.  I need your proposals, if any by Tuesday, May 28.  Please reply to this email address and copy your reply to:
Many thanks and best wishes,  Barbie



