Open Forum in Venice


EUSJA journalists are invited to participate to the CO2GeoNet Open Forum 2013 (Venice, 9-10 April 2013) organized each year by the European Network of Excellence on the geological storage of CO2. It is a key opportunity for stakeholders including EU representatives, industry, regulators, public authorities, NGOs, and the research community to meet and interact directly with Europe’s largest group of researchers on CO2 geological storage covering 28 countries.

European journalists are invited to attend a press conference on Monday April 8 at the San Servolo Island (from 15.30), which will be held by a group of scientists of the CO2GeoNet Network of Excellence. In the following days they will have also the opportunity to interact directly with the attending scientists from all over Europe.

The Organising Committee will cover travel expenses (pre-paid air tickets or train reimbursement) and hotel accommodation for two nights (arriving on Monday 8) for up to 8 journalists. Please send your application directly to CO2GeoNet Secretariat: before Sunday March 24.
The information and a registration form have been sent out to national associations (you will find it also to the web page of the Forum – http://www.co2geonet/venice2013).



