Mike Galsworthy on fake news at ECSJ2017
The European Commission’s Science and Knowledge Service, the Joint Research Center, organizes its annual conference on 26 September around the topic of “(Scientific) Evidence for policy in a post-fact world”. The conference aims to discuss the interaction between science and policy in light of the post-fact phenomenon, involving renowned scientists, experts, journalists and media professionals as well as senior policymakers and politicians, including:
– European Commission vice president Jyrki Katainen,
– former Director-General of the World Trade Organization Pascal Lamy,
– Chair of the International Network for Science Advice to Governments Sir Peter Gluckman,
– AAAS CEO Rush Holt,
– Financial Times journalist Simon Kuper,
– Professor Steven Sloman of Brown University’s Department of Cognitive, Linguistic, & Psychological Sciences,
– and Professor Stephan Lewandowsky of University of Bristol’s School of Experimental Psychology
The JRC offers EUSJA journalists three possibilities for journalists to attend the conference:
1) You may register free of charge at JRC-PRESS@ec.europa.eu until 22 September and attend the conference on regular basis, with the possibility of interviewing participants
2) We offer 5 “travel grants”, which cover the cost of participation, including travel and accommodation, to selected journalists. Please submit an application to JRC-PRESS@ec.europa.eu by 15 September. The application should include a short motivation letter, short CV, plus a few examples of your writing.
3) Last but not least: you may follow the conference live on webstreaming, including the possibility for telephone interviews with participants (please send an advance request to JRC-PRESS@ec.europa.eu). The webstreaming link will be available at the conference webpage later https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/eu4facts