Tag: Atomium Culture
Atomium Culture and The Role of the Media in Responsible Research and Innovation – by Jens Degett
Atomium Culture sent an official response to this post, that can be read here: https://www.eusja.org/atomiun-cultures-official-response-to-jens-degett/ Science communications is not only a question of telling nice stories that fascinate the public in the best positivistic style. It is a very important part of an advanced society to have an informed public who participate in an open…
A Science Media Centre for ERA? / Why science journalists must be vigilant
From the Spring 2013 issue of EUSJA news A Science Media Centre for ERA? The UK Science Media Centre (SMC) has just celebrated its 10th anniversary and is widely acclaimed for its positive role in (re)engaging the media with science and acting as an intermedi- ary between the research community and journalists. The SMC concept…