Tag: conference
Challenges. Reflections after the conference
By Agnes Kittel, member of the Club of Hungarian Science Journalists If there is something which is common in the life of every being living under the Sun, it is for sure that pain belongs to it. The X Congress of the European Pain Federation /EFIC/ was held in Copenhagen between 6-9 September 2017. This…
Europe against pain
EUSJA has got invitation to attend the 8-th biennial congress “Pain in Europe” to be held in Florence, October 9-12 (http://www1.kenes.com/efic/). This major pain congress in Europe is organized by EFIC – the European Federation of International Association for the Study of Pain. Started in 1993 EFIC has developed into Europe´s most important…
Open Forum in Venice
EUSJA journalists are invited to participate to the CO2GeoNet Open Forum 2013 (Venice, 9-10 April 2013) organized each year by the European Network of Excellence on the geological storage of CO2. It is a key opportunity for stakeholders including EU representatives, industry, regulators, public authorities, NGOs, and the research community to meet and interact directly…