Tag: Fukushima
Fukushima REVISITED—World Conference 2015 Program
Many colleagues will remember ESOF 2012 Dublin. EUSJA had organized a science debate on the future of energy with a focus on the FUKUSHIMA REACTOR MELTDOWN. We had two prominent Japanese panelists. Mariko Takahashi, editor of Asahi Shimbun, criticized a “media meltdown”, fanned also by European media, zeroing in on “printing rumors, sensations” and promoting “hysterical…
What will power Europe’s future?
EUSJA session at ESOF 2012 in Dublin, Ireland: Date: July 15 Time: 13:15 – 14:45 Place: Wicklow Hall 2B, ESOF venue Link: http://x.co/laN0 Please put this event into your ESOF schedule: http://esof2012.sched.org/login The catastrophic failure of the Japanese power plant in Fukushima has divided Europe over the future use of nuclear energy. In almost every…