The European Pain Federation (EFIC) has offered EUSJA 10 grants to attend its biennial Congress in Valencia in 4-7 September ( The grants include free registration (no conference fees for our members), 3 night accommodation, 40 euros per diem for meals and free local transportation. Journalists have to take care of their travel to and from Valencia.
As always, the Congress will be bringing together the foremost experts in pain medicine at the largest scientific congress on pain in 2019, exchanging knowledge, ideas and the latest advances in the field. The background to this year’s congress is that, today, one in five Europeans experiences moderate to severe chronic pain, seriously affecting the quality of their social and working lives. Nearly half of them receive inadequate pain management. Although new technologies are transforming patient care, at the same time national healthcare budgets are coming under ever more pressure. ‘Pain In Europe’ plans to tackle some of the key questions about how we understand and manage pain, including:
- What do the problems of opioid misuse mean for Europe and how do we continue to provide the best quality of care for European patients?
- What new pain therapies have become available and what hope do they offer patients?
- What do new developments in e-health, big data, genetics and AI mean for pain care?
- Will we ever be able to measure pain objectively, rather than it remaining a subjective phenomenon?
Journalists can register online at You may also contact EFIC directly: