What‘s the Talk about Nanotechnology?

Get free background knowledge for your competent reporting about “Benefits and Risks of Nanotechnology” during a free workshop for science journalists

Nanotechnology is a rising topic for science journalists as the public is increasingly aware of ever new “nano” products entering the market. Are they dangerous? Are they safe? What is so interesting about “nano”? Science journalists need good facts and arguments in order to deliver balanced and guiding information for their audiences. Can scientists help to clarify things? What angles are important to cover in reporting nanotechnology? These are some of the questions which will be answered during 4-hours training workshop for science journalists on “Benefits and Risks of Nanotechnology” – free of charge. It will be held on 17th June 2015, 14.00-18.00 o´clock at Αmbasada Κrakowian, ul. Stolarska 6/9, 31-043 Kraków, Poland.

The Workshop is organized by the European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations – EUSJA, under the EU funded project NanoDiode, which is a project for outreach and dialogue to support the effective governance of nanotechnologies. The aim of the workshop is to bring science journalists closer to nano-researchers in the fields of science, technology and governance. Experts will introduce Science journalists to nanotechnologies in order to put them into the position to better fulfill their role as critical moderators between researchers and their media audience. Experts will show the science behind nanotechnology. They will explain what can be done with nano particles in products for medicine, electronics, materials, or consumer goods. Of course it will be shown what is already on the market , what is in the pipeline, and what are the challenges for future developments. Time is also reserved for a critical review of nanotechnology governance.

The topics:

  1. Introduction: Journalism, science and the public
  2. Science behind nanotechnology (Marek Szymonski, Professor, Head, Department of Physics of Nanostructures and Nanotechnology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow)
  3. Applications of nanotechnology (Marek Przybylski, Professor, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow)
  4. Technology assessment, Folk Theories and Labelling (Arie Rip, Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technology in the School of Management and Governance of the University of Twente, Netherlands
  5. Legal frameworks around new and emerging technologies, for consumers, for industries (David Azoulay, Managing Attorney, Centre for Environmental Law, Geneva, Switzerland)

Registrations: Please confirm your participation by sending email to Mr. Teguayco Pinto Cejas at teguayco@gmail.com.


What: Science Journalists Training Workshop on “Benefits and Risks of Nanotechnology”

When: June 17, 2015, at 14.00-18.00 o’clock

Where: Αmbasada Κrakowian, ul. Stolarska 6/9, 31-043 Kraków, Poland

Language: English

Fees: Free, registration recommended by May 31st at the later


Ambasada Krakowian http://www.ambasadakrakowian.pl/

NanoDiode project http://www.nanodiode.eu/

EUSJA http://www.eusja.org/




