Category: Workshops
Registration is open for the 5th European Conference of Science Journalists!
The French Association of Science Journalists (AJSPI) and the European Union of Science Journalist’s Associations (EUSJA) are pleased to announce that the 5th European Conference of Science Journalists is now open for registration. The conference, ECSJ2018, will take place in Toulouse (France) on 8 July 2018. European Conferences of Science Journalists have taken place on…
Workshop on science journalism and media careers in Belfast
British and Irish science journalism associations are organising a joint workshop on careers in science media in Belfast on the 19 October 2017. The half-day event is organised by Queen’s University Centre for Experimental Medicine PDC, in association with Irish Science and Technology Journalism Association (ISTJA) and Association of British Science Writers (ABSW). The entry…
Shooting Star: Easy-To-Read – How to Write it
It’s a real shooting star: The new writing format emerges wherever you look throughout Europe and the world. With new job opportunities for science journalists! At the European Conference of Science Journalists ECSJ 2017 in Copenhagen, Hamburg-based trainer Ilse Furian showed examples from Germany, UK, Sweden. RAPID TEXT NAVIGATION She explained why an increasing percentage…
ECSJ Training Highlights: Shoot video — speak Gibberish — detect Astroturfing
Gibberish and Astroturfing were two key words during a bar camp-like training session at the European Conference for Science Journalists ECSJ 2017 Copenhagen. All in all, with various other elements, the event was geared to empower participants to develop their own trademark and to leave specific footprints in the journalistic landscape. Or, as Alex Gerber, professor…
So you wanna communicate science?
What needs to be narrated, if an oldie of this profession teaches decades younger newcomers in the trade of science journalism and science communication in general? A report of a three-day mission to a place, which was looked down upon as the boonies, but turns out an emerging center of excellence on the global academic map.…