List of Categories
A production can be eligible in more than one category; these may be designated either by the entrant or the organizers. The “genre” categories are:
The Best European Production involving Science in the following four genres:
- TV Documentary
- TV Drama and Docu-drama
- TV General programmes like magazines or current affairs (an item or a complete programme)
- Informational or promotional Video and Productions for the Web or Science Centres/Museums
The three so-called “Science in Society” areas are:
- The Environment
- Medical Research
- Women in Science
And the two categories focusing on areas of science and technology are:
- The best production presenting Physics.
- The best production presenting any branch of Engineering
There will also be dialogue created on Facebook and Twitter in relation to issues in the films and in the festival discussion. This will be flagged in advance and continue during the festival.
The Festival and Awards 2017/18 is organized jointly by EuroScience, Apordoc Portugal, and EuroPAWS.
More about this call and how to apply: