Vienna Summer of Logic


If you enjoy to discuss during the conversation something like this discourse, for example: “for any two natural numbers x and y, x + y is the same as y + x”, then you definitely have to come in Vienna this summer. From July 9 to July 24 – here are the dates of the largest conference in the history of logic that will bring together approximately 2500 researchers, academics and students from all over the world, gathering to present important findings, emerging trends and new challenges in computer science, artificial intelligence, mathematical logic.

Some of us had the privilege to dip into this majestic science before the event.  EUSJA visit to Vienna last March ( had very interesting continuation for those who did not leave the Austrian capital right after the study trip and the General Assembly: they attended very interesting media seminar offered in preparation of conference “Vienna Summer of Logic” in the Technical University. We were first media representatives who heard the details of that upcoming scientific event. Scientists who organized “Vienna Summer of Logic” like the chair of the conference Helmut Veith, co-chair Mattias Baaz told us about the idea of the conference, its history, keynote speakers. Professor Georg Gottlob devoted his talk to logic and artificial intelligence, Alexander Leitsch and Agata Ciabattoni observed some topics of mathematical logic…

During three hours seminar science journalists got a lot of useful information that could be rather helpful to cover the event and to arrange the interviews with scientists expected to attend the conference. Sure this information could be of interest also for those who did not attend the seminar. Many thanks to Oliver Lehmann chairman of Austria’s “Klub der Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsjournalisten” who organized the seminar: he has collected the slides of the seminar and its documents which now can be found at




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