Tag: debate
No evidence of harm = Evidence of no harm?
International Rollout of the Science Debate@ESOF 2014 Kopenhagen. Major stakeholders and the public debated nanotechnology. After 20 years, our society still lacks knowledge about benefits and harm. The feedback of the roundtables showed that more dialogue and formats are needed. A respective resolution will be presented to the European Commission. Four major stakeholders presented their…
What will power Europe’s future?
EUSJA session at ESOF 2012 in Dublin, Ireland: Date: July 15 Time: 13:15 – 14:45 Place: Wicklow Hall 2B, ESOF venue Link: http://x.co/laN0 Please put this event into your ESOF schedule: http://esof2012.sched.org/login The catastrophic failure of the Japanese power plant in Fukushima has divided Europe over the future use of nuclear energy. In almost every…